Bridging Asia's Infrastructure Projects
Developed by Infrastructure Asia (InfraAsia), the InfraAsia Project Portal aims to improve the visibility of Asia's upcoming infrastructure projects and connect these projects to InfraAsia's network of more than 600 pre-curated solutions providers.
EXPLORE: Platform to showcase upcoming infrastructure opportunites in Asia
CONNECT: Serves as a virtual marketplace to build project pipelines and bridge partnerships between public and private partners to discuss, invest and develop projects

GROW: Support and accelerate infrastructure development efforts by connecting the best-fit solutions and investors to regional infrastructure needs through curated connections between right minded partners by InfraAsia



InfraAsia is a project faciliation office set up by Enterprise Singapore and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to support Asia's social and economic growth through infrastructure development by working closely with both the private and public sector organisations in Singapore and the region.

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About InfraAsia